..:: సర్వభూజనులారా , యోహోవాను బట్టి ఉత్సహించుడి , ఆర్భాటముతో సంతోషగానము చేయుడి కీర్తనలు పాడుడి - కీర్తన 98:4 ::..

Sadhu Jebaraj

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Home call of my Spiritual Mentor Sadhu Jebaraj - A true servant of God in Sadhu's robe
The early days of my Christian life were influenced by three elders.  They are Brother N. Samuel, “Deva Ekkalam”, Kotagiris, Tamil Nadu, late Brother Glady Easwaraj of Good Samaritan Fellowship, who was my Pastor in Delhi and then a Christian Sadhu, namely Sadhu Jebaraj of Andhra Pradesh.  Sadhu Jebaraj was called home on 12th July 2011 when he was serving his Master faithfully in Dummegudem, Andhra Pradesh.
Sadhu Jebaraj was born on 2-7-1947 with the name of J. Thangamani Jebaraj Joel to a godly couple in Valparai, Tamil Nadu, namely J.R.D Jonathan and Renjitham Jonathan. They originally hailed from Sayerpuram, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu. He had two elder sisters, one younger sister and one younger brother. Sadhu was born in Valparai where his father was employed in a tea garden. When he was 4 months old, he had suffered a terrible disease and was on the death bed. But his mother cried unto God for saving his life and God heard her prayer.  Accordingly, he was christened “Jebaraj”, meaning in Tamil God’s gift of a king through prayer.  He studied in Sayerpuram, Tirunelveli.
In 1965, the Lord met Sadhu Jebaraj in Akkalai Estate, Valparai and saved him. God created a desire in his heart that he would live only for His glory.  He asked God for three gifts. God granted three gifts. These are – (i) I would accomplish everything, be it a small thing or a big thing only for the glory of God. (ii) I would never grieve the heart of God. (iii) If anyone asks any question, the Lord may immediately give me Bible verses to give my answer.
Sadhu Jebaraj studied B.Sc in St. Xavier College, Palayamkottai staying in the college hostel. During his final year of study, on 10-10-1966, when he was climbing the steps in the college building, he had a paralytic attack with the result that he became immobile. He suffered a lot from 1970 to 1973. He could not be healed despite the best treatment taken in CMC, Vellore Hospital. Afterwards, after much prayers and physiotherapy exercises, he was able to walk but limping slightly.
In 1973, he ministered among the Hindu Sadhus in Rishikesh, Uttar Kashi and God performed great things there. When he knelt down on the banks of Ganges River to thank Him, the Lord sent a cloud over him to protect him from the scorching sun. At that time, the Lord revealed to him that he should become a Sadhu. After some days, when he was praying, he had a vision of his wearing Sadhu’s saffron robe.
He started ministering in Tamil Nadu. After the death of his mother on 5-9-1979 and of his father on 8-11-1974, he shifted to Andhra Pradesh for ministry. In Dornakal of Andhra Pradesh, a mission field of Indian Missionary Society, he was ministering to a tribe, called Lampadi with the help of a Telugu translator Sanjeev Rao.  He also learnt Telugu and started preaching the gospel in Telugu, especially in villages. God used him mightily in delivering the people from evil spirits, witchcrafts, etc. In Dummegudem, Andhra Pradesh, he ministered among another tribe called Koya and established a church christened Cross Fellowship. There he built a church and a house to live there. In 30 villages of Koya tribe, about 800 tribal people accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and they became members of this church. In Dornakal, every month, Sadhu used to feed the poor people numbering about 500.
On 20-6-2006, while driving his motor cycle, he met with an accident and suffered a fracture on his hip. Even then with his weakness, he used to drive his car all the way to Tirunelveli, Nagerkoil, and Bangalore and ministered in the churches there.  He used a walker as he was unable to walk.
After this accident, he also ministered in Valparai area and  conducted cottage prayer meetings in many houses including the house of one Prince Austin.  According to Prince Austin, Sadhu was carried  by some of his friends to many places when he ministered in Valparai area. Despite opposition from the local C.S.I Presbyter, Sadhu continued his prayer meetings at Velonie and Malakiparai Tea estates. Prince Austin wondered how Sadhu ministered to the people when he compared the present day preachers who kept their eyes on collection of money as a reward for this great gospel work. I had also noticed on many occasions that Sadhu refused to carry much money in his purse. He always gave his money to the poor people, especially, the poor saints.
Finally, he underwent a fast for 40 days taking only water and he became physically weak after losing 30 kg of weight. His sister’s husband Rev.Dr.I. Victor Manuevelraj invited him to Tirunelveli for treatment. Fearing that he would be taken forcefully to Tirunelveli, he refused to go to Tirunelveli and indicated to his brother in law that he would pass into eternity shortly. He had a saving of Rs.13, 000/- in his hand and asked the believers to spend this money for his cremation. He did not have any big bank balance.  His only asset is the church building and the believers who worship in this church. On 11-7-2011, he was admitted to a hospital in Badrachalam, near Dummegudem. On 12-7-2011, he entered glory to be with his Master.
My days with Sadhu Jebaraj
For the first time, when I was a bachelor working in government service in Delhi, I met Sadhu Jebaraj and Brother N. Samuel in Grand Trunk Express on my return journey from Kerala to New Delhi after my holidays. Both Sadhu and N. Samuel were on their way to the Himalayan Kingdom for preaching the gospel. At that time, I was not saved. I just invited him to my one room bachelor accommodation in Delhi.  He came to my house and stayed there.  He did not condemn me as I was not saved.  He simply prayed in my room and left.
After my marriage in 1977, both my wife and I were saved. In 1978, on our invitation, he visited our one room house in Delhi. The house owner who was a Punjabi Hindu was surprised to see a Christian Sadhu in our house. In 1979, he again visited our house in Janakpuri, New Delhi when we got a one-bed room house. Just because we opened our small one bed room house which was rented by us for accommodating a saint, the Lord blessed us with a flat in Delhi (where we stay now) and another flat in Chennai though I was not willing to buy the second flat in Chennai.  He preferred our small, one-bed room house to the very big houses of pastors in Delhi. He preferred to sleep on the floor only. I always used to see him praying only even when I woke up in the middle of the night.
The whole Bible was in his heart only.  Without opening his bible, he preached.  He quoted any verse of the Bible from his memory.  He tried to memorize the whole Bible, chapter by chapter. Of course, he knew many of the chapters by heart. He loved us very much. He conducted house prayer meetings in our Christian friends’ house in Delhi and gave sermons in our churches including the Cathedral Church of Redemption. He always stressed on holy life.  Words of prophecy used to flow from his lips. Words of wisdom came from his mouth whenever he spoke.
In 1980, he put me into the ministry. On his encouragement, I started an English Magazine, namely, Glory of His Cross.  Simultaneously, a dear brother in Palayamkottai, R. Ambrose, an editor of Tamil Magazine, Thina Thanthi, who was also mentored by Sadhu was exhorted by Sadhu  to start a Tamil Magazine, “Glory of Jesus”. When the Lord ordained Glory of His Cross in English as a prophetic ministry, He ordained “Glory of Jesus” in Tamil  as an evangelical ministry.  At that time, the Holy Spirit gave me a number of prophetic visions (which are available in my website at http://www.gloryofhiscross.org/visions.htm) and Sadhu used to spend time interpreting all such visions and to write me long letters in his own hand writing. Then one day he told me that I should now start interpreting such dreams and visions. Then as I started interpreting visions, the Lord gave me wisdom in doing this ministry. Then I offered my help to Sadhu who was receiving a large number of letters for prayers and for guidance. Sadhu authorized me to write letters to them on his behalf.  I used to interpret their dreams also.  As I was writing such letters through my type writer, I felt a tremendous power of the Holy Spirit through the gift of the word of wisdom operating through my ministry.
After some days, By His abundant grace, I started my ministry standing on my own legs. 
Afterwards, I invited him to my father-in-law’s house in Tiruchirapalli during my holidays and he visited us. At that time, we were not blessed with any child. He prayed for us with a great burden. My son was born on 22-11-1985. Then, on my invitation to my home town i.e. Munnar and my sister’s house in Madurai during my holidays.  Sadhu visited us and stayed in my mother’s house in Munnar and ministered there. He gave water baptism to my late mother on the banks of Munnar River.  After many years, we came to Neyveli from Delhi on my transfer in 1987. During 1990, on my invitation, he visited our house and stayed with us.  He preached in the Arcot Lutheran Church there. At that time, I had some problem with my career and he prayed for me. Afterwards, I completely lost touch with him.  I could not find out his address in Dummegudem in Andhra Pradesh, though I had asked some of my friends in Andhra Pradesh to locate him. But they could not find his whereabouts.  A sincere servant of God always remains in the wilderness.  He was not ministering in cities like Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, etc. He was in some obscure corner of India, ministering to the tribal people.
He had gifted me his personal bible which he had read tearfully.  Each page was neatly underlined and his dedication was written on the margins. He was fluent in English, Tamil and Telugu.  He also preached in Hindi.
He was not hesitating to rebuke any pastor or any elder on his face.  He stood for the truth and led a very simple life.  He had a prophetic calling.  But he also performed his evangelical ministry which was his passion. Even though I had lost touch with him, I used to pray for him with a great burden. During the month of August 2011, I was mysteriously led by the Holy Spirit to talk to Brother Ambrose of “Glory of Jesus” ministry in Palayakmottai when the latter informed me about the home call of our spiritual mentor, Sadhu Jebaraj.
Sadhu’s letter to churches written in 1980
Whatever we eat and drink, it should be for the glory of God. Our words and works should glorify God. Our worldly position and talents should glorify God. In Churches, our worship services should inspire holiness in us and revive us. The offerings and gifts given in the Name of God should be spent for the salvation of souls through the gospel. This is the truth we learn from His word.
Whatever the Lord does in your life, it is only for your good. Whatever the Lord does in your life, it is only for His glory.
My dear brother, sister, the Lord does only good for you because He is good. He never does any evil for you. Meditate on James 1 :12 – 17. When tempted, do not be disheartened. Do not murmur against Him. Do not give up your prayer. Do not stop going to your church. The Lord will never do anything evil for you at all.
- Job Anbalagan


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